Writing "How-tos" |
Supplementary Resource for CI Guide to Publishing Children's Book, 3rd EditionAppendix B: Compiled by Harold Underdown |
This page lists books recommended to me as I researched the Writing Guides chapter for the new edition of my book, or that I have learned about since then. Different books suit different people, so be sure to investigate several possibilities. Use this as a checklist as you explore, or click the links to learn more about or buy the books at Amazon or at Indiebound, the website of independent booksellers.
Guides to Writing Children's and YA Books
The Business of Writing for Children by Aaron Shepard
The Giblin Guide to Writing Children's Books by James Cross Giblin (my detailed review)
How to Write a Children's Book and Get It Published (third edition) by Barbara Seuling: A good general introduction, covering several genres.
The Magic Words by Cheryl Klein. A guide by an editor who writes to writing and revising, particularly longer fiction.
Picture Writing by Anastasia Suen (my detailed review)
Writing and Selling the YA Novel by K.L. Going: A guide by a master of the craft.
Writing Fiction for Children: Stories Only You Can Tell by Judy Morris. Includes exercises. Best for MG fiction.
Writing for Children and Teenagers by Lee Wyndham: A good general guide, widely available used.
Writing Irresistible Kidlit by Mary Kole: A guide to writing MG and YA novels by a literary agent.
Writing Picture Books (link to my detailed review of the revised edition) by Ann Whitford Paul: A comprehensive, practical guide to writing and revising picture books.
You Can Write Children's Books by Tracey Dils: beginner's guide, workbook available also.
Writers Writing about Writing
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott
Daemon Voices: On Stories and Storytelling by Philip Pullman
Gates of Excellence by Katherine Paterson: essays on writing and children's literature.
On Writing by Stephen King: often recommended
On Writing for Children and Other People by Julius Lester
Starting from Scratch by Rita Mae Brown
Steering the Craft: A 21st-Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story by Ursula LeGuin: 2015 edition. More of a how-to than the others in this section. Recommended.
Take Joy by Jane Yolen: Practical and inspirational.
The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, 3rd Edition, by Christopher Vogler
The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity by Ray Bradbury
Guides Addressing a Particular Genre, Topic, or Problem
Anatomy of Nonfiction, by Margery Facklam and Peggy Thomas: The only guide to writing NF for children--and fortunately it's excellent. (my detailed review)
The Art and Craft of Writing Historical Fiction, by James Alexander Thom: A highly recommended guide to the genre.
Beginnings, Middles & Ends, by Nancy Kress: part of the Writer's Digest Books series "Elements of Fiction."
Children's Writer's Word Book, by Alijandra Mogilner: Useful if you are uncertain about vocabulary that's appropriate for different grade levels, and particularly useful if you write for the educational market.
The Emotional Craft of Fiction: How to Write the Story Beneath the Surface, by Donald Maass
Fiction Is Folks: How to Create Unforgettable Characters, by Robert Newton Peck: out of print, but worth chasing down.
Hooked: Write Fiction That Grabs Readers at Page One & Never Lets Them Go, by Les Edgerton: What the title says, and more, such as Surface vs. Story Problem.
Make a Scene: Crafting a Powerful Story One Scene at a Time, by Jordan Rosenfeld
On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction, by William Zinsser
Plot and Structure, by James Scott Bell
Rules for the Dance: A Handbook for Writing and Reading Metrical Verse, by Mary Oliver
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, by Jessica Brody: I know several writers who swear by this.
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, by Renni Browne, Dave King, and George Booth: recommended by many writers.
Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel, by Lisa Cron
Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction, by Jeff VanderMeer. Writing science fiction and fantasy, in an imaginatively illustrated guide.
Writing It Right! How Successful Children's Authors Revise and Sell Their Stories (link to my detailed review), by Sandy Asher: As the title suggests, this focuses on the revising of actual manuscripts.
Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass. Workbook available too.
Guides to Creativity
Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles and Ted Orland
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron
Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art by Stephen Nachmanovitch: written by a musician for all creative artists.
Let the Crazy Child Write: Finding Your Creative Writing Voice by Clive Matson
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg, and other titles by her
Feel free to contact me with suggestions or comments.
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