Books Edited by Harold Underdown

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This page covers books I edited at Kane Press, followed by earlier books at Charlesbridge, Orchard Books, and Macmillan Children's Books, along with a few I worked on as a freelancer. It is by no means a complete list, but a representative sampling. Many of the earlier books are no longer in print, but all should be available through your local library.

Please look elsewhere for information on the book I wrote: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Children's Books.

Additional information and a JPEG image of the front cover are available for some books, where it says "(Information and an image)." On this page, as well as on those more in-depth pages, you will also find links to Amazon or other bookstore web sites. Use these to get more information or to purchase the book.


Kane Press

The Follow My Food 4-book series: From Kirkus, about Granny Root Grows Fruit: "a step-by-step account of fruit growing with simple words and colorful, stylized pictures. This concise U.K. import will satisfy young listeners or early readers curious about where their food comes from."

Firefighters to the Rescue by R.W. Alley, the first book in the Breezy Valley at Work series: From Kirkus: "Classic in style, rich in information, and sweet in story." Rights sold in 12+ markets.

Like No Other: Earth's Coolest One-of-a-Kind Creatures, written by Sneed B. Collard III, illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal: From Kirkus: "A baker's dozen of very different creatures star in this visually impressive and informative book... (with) large, stunningly detailed, close-up color illustration(s)... (and) excellent backmatter. A striking book that celebrates the astonishing diversity of the animal world."

A Tour of the Human Body, the first book in the planned Number Tours for Curious Kids series, written by Jennifer Berne, illustrated by Dawn DeVries Sokol: From The Horn Book: "Berne's counts and measures of the cells and organs of the human body illustrate just how remarkable--and quantifiable--we are." Named to two of Betsy Bird's "31 Lists in 31 Days" in December 2024: Math Books for Kids, and Science and Nature Books for Kids.

Checkups, Shots, and Robots: True Stories Behind How Doctors Treat Us, graphic-format nonfiction by David Rickert: From Publishers Weekly: "Rickert . . . offers an antidote to skepticism and misinformation surrounding medical science in this high-energy, occasionally irreverent comics-style work."


Bat-Ami, Miriam, When the Frost Is Gone: "A deceptively simple, richly written depiction of a young girl's coming of age;" (SLJ) " a novella of hard truths and tough times." -- Publishers Weekly

Bernier-Grand, Carmen, Poet and Politician: Don Luís Muñoz Marín (Information and an 18K image): "Not only an intriguing biography of Muñoz Marín... this book is also a history of the island [Puerto Rico] during this century." -- Booklist.
Named an El Nuevo Día Book of the Year.

Chin-Lee, Cynthia, A Is for Asia icon (1), illustrated by Yumi Heo: an alphabet of Asia. "Chin-Lee's graceful language and descriptions [and] Heo's illustrations make turning every page an adventure into contemporary and historical Asia." -- Publishers Weekly. "The diversity of this vast continent is captured in childlike, stylized illustrations and 26 well-chosen words." -- School Library Journal.

Coleman, Evelyn, The Foot Warmer and the Crow, illustrated by Daniel Minter (Information and a 29K image): Original folktale with painted carved relief art. "Powerful illustrations accompany a powerful story." -- The New York Times Book Review
-- The Glass Bottle Tree, illustrated by Gail Carter: A grandmother, a little girl, and a bottle tree. A Parent's Choice Honor Book and an NCSS Notable Book in the Field of Social Studies.

Collard, Sneed, The Forest in the Clouds, illustrated by Michael Rothman (Information and a 48 K image): A visit to the cloud forest in Costa Rica. "Collard's text is as focused and colorful as the illustrations." -- Booklist. "Top 10 Science Books for Children," Booklist (December 1, 2000).

Egan/Friedmann/Levine, The Macmillan Book of Baseball Stories: True stories, human interest. "Refreshingly different" -- School Library Journal. A Child Study Committee Children's Book of the Year. Now available in paperback as Good Guys of Baseball from Aladdin.

Esbensen, Barbara, Swift as the Wind, illustrated by Jean Cassels, (review and 40K image): Poetic nonfiction about the cheetah.

Fraustino,Lisa, Grass and Sky: middle grade novel, JLG selection.
-- Ash: YA novel. (review and 55K image): ALA/YALSA "Best Books for Young Adults"

Heo, Yumi, One Afternoon: "The kinetic energy of life in the big city motors this zippy picture book right along." starred review, Publishers Weekly. A Child Study Committee Children's Book of the Year. Society of Illustrators Show.
-- Father's Rubber Shoes (reviews and 18K image): A Hungry Mind Review "Children's Book of Distinction".
"Hope and promise join with longing in a heartfelt book." -- pointered review, Kirkus

Kazunas, Charnan and Tom, The Internet for Kids (Reviews and a 28K image): One of four "True Books" on computer and Internet topics.(2)

Lin, Grace, The Ugly Vegetables (Reviews and a 37K image): The magic that can happen when a girl and her mother plant a garden that's a little different.

Manitonquat, Children of the Morning Light: Wampanoag folktales. "Teaching and pourquoi tales that are remarkable for their humor, common sense, and humanity." -- The Horn Book Guide. A Child Study Committee Children's Book of the Year.

Mora, Pat, Toad and Deer, illustrated by Maya Itzna Brooks: "In a bragging session, Tio Sapo, or Uncle Toad, disputes the supremacy of Venado, the largest deer in the jungle. A race is quickly arranged, but just before it begins, the consummate trickster Sapo and the other toads in the jungle, hatch a plot . . . . Mora . . . creates a slyly humorous text . . . for which Brooks' chunky, primitive drawings are the perfect match." -- Kirkus. (Now OP and reissued by Groundwood with new illustrations)

Points, Larry, and Andrea Chynoweth, Assateague: Island of the Wild Ponies: photoessay about the famous ponies and their environment.

Pringle, Larry, Fire in the Forest, illustrated by Bob Marstall: The fire cycle, over hundreds of years. "Wondrous landscape paintings" -- Kirkus. NSTA "Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children."
-- An Extraordinary Life, illustrated by Bob Marstall (Reviews, other awards and 32K image): The epic journey of the monarch butterfly. ALA Notable Book for Children.
-- One Room School (2), illustrated by Barbara Garrison (Reviews and a 39K image):Memories from 1944. An American Bookseller "Pick of the Lists."

Spariosu, Mihai, and Benedek, Dezso, Ghosts, Vampires, and Werewolves, illustrated by Laszlo Kubinyi: Transylvanian folktales of the spooky authentic kind. A Child Study Committee Children's Book of the Year.

Stevens, Bryna, Frank Thompson: Her Civil War Story: a biography of an unusual woman. Named to NYPL "Books for the Teenage" list. NCSS Notable Children's Trade Book.

Tomlinson, Theresa, Riding the Waves "A strong novel about the surprising relationship that evolves between a boy and an elderly woman." -- School Library Journal
A Child Study Committee Children's Book of the Year.
-- The Forestwife (Review and 25K image) : YA "Robin Hood" fantasy with Marian as main character. Booklist "Editor's Choice". ALA Notable Book for Children.
Dell paperback available.

Roger Yepsen, Humanpower: Photo-illustrated nonfiction.
-- City Trains "Fascinating and fun" -- Booklist

Young Patriots Series, The. This is a series of books which reissued and updated the "Childhood of Famous Americans" series for today's children. It was published by Patria Press, which has since closed down.

Reference books:

Macmillan Animal Encyclopedia for Children
Macmillan Encyclopedia of Endangered Animals
Myths and Legends from Around the World, all Marshall Editions.

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1. I originated this title; it was completed by another editor.
2. I edited these titles as a freelancer.
