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There are many pictures (and maps, which I love) on the WWW, and many ways of finding them. Here I list sites I have found particularly interesting or useful.
Finding Pictures:
You can, of course, just use an "image search" in Google or whatever your favorite search engine is. Two more focused options:
ArtNetŪ Worldwide An art search engine, among other things.
Sites with Collections of Images
The National Digital Library From the Library of Congress, Civil War and Depression era photographs and other resources.
The NYPL Digital Gallery -- From the collection of the NY Public Library. new
JSC Digital Image Collection: NASA's image library, with links to more.
ARTstor: A collection of art images. new
There are many other similar collections in just about any subject area, if you do a search.
Portfolio and Stock Sites:
There are more and more of these. Here are a few examples:
- Picturebook The site for the only and best sample book for children's book illustrators.
- Illustrators on the Net Over 80 British illustrators post art samples at this well-designed site.
- theispot A virtual portfolio site for a variety of illustrators. Showcases dozens of illustrators and includes a library of stock images.
- The Cartoon Bank It's a commercial site, pushing cartoons for stock uses, but you can preview some good cartoons....
- Getty Images An enormouse collection of stock photos. Searchable databases, with low-res images available for comping.
Libraries of specific kinds of images:
The William Blake Archive An amazing project. Huge images, but worth the wait if you are a Blake fan.
Volcano World Images and information about currently active volcanoes.
Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth From the International Space Station, the shuttle, and more: many great shots of the Earth.
Live Weather Cameras A fascinating way to take a peek at what is happening at a large selection of sites across North America.
- The Art of Illustration A WWW exhibit of a real exhibit of Canadian illustrators. Great survey, and an introduction to illustration styles.
- Artlex A free dictionary of art terms.
- Dia Center An example of how to use the Internet for art.
- The Art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude Many pictures and information about the work of this team of environmental artists.
- Virtual Whales Whales are fascinating -- here you can see what scientists are learning about their behavior under the water.
- New York Foundation for the Arts For artists.
Maps :
The PCL Map Collection University of Texas collection of full-color public domain maps. You can download them--but the files are very large.
Google Earth Do you have this amazing free program on your computer? If you are at all interested in the world, geography, current events--not to mention maps--you should. new
Map Machine @ This is a map-making WWW program, but may not run on every computer.
Microsoft Research--Maps Find many locations in the US in satellite photos.
USGS Elevation Database Brightly colored, and full of information.
Color Landform Atlas of the United States This is the best of all. Must be seen--a piece of cartographic art.
Panoramic Maps Collection A great section of the Library of Congress site.
Satellite Images Global coverage, courtesy of the European Space Agency. You must pay for detailed ones, but the thumbnails here can be interesting.
Area Accurate Map / The Peters Projection A new way of looking at the world.
How far is it? Try it and find out . . .
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