Funding The Purple Crayon:
2008 ReportThis report covers the income that The Purple Crayon received in 2008.
PC Editorial Amazon Google AdSenseBookCloseOuts Other Total 1st 1/4 $260.00 $807.20 $1996.81 $126.04 $16.11 $2879.16 2nd 1/4 $160.00 $725.00 $2622.67 $20.43 $3528.10 3rd 1/4 $150.00 $579.39 $2571.29 $117.86 $35.87 $3454.41 4th 1/4 $65.00 $730.35 $1926.81 $32.37 $11.85 $2707.38 Total $635.00 $2841.94 $9117.58 $276.27 $84.26 $12569.05
Comments: I didn't keep this updated during the year so will keep this short. This was a good year for the site in terms of income. It was also a pretty busy year. In addition to keeping the Who's Moving Where page current, I wrote several book reviews and overhauled the pages about agents and how to find them. I also added and updated a number of other pages, including most notably some materials from the new (third) edition of my Complete Idiot's Guide. For a complete rundown, see the What's New page.
Next steps: I'm not sure about my plans for 2009. I know I will update the pages that list children's book awards with this year's winners. I have ideas about various other things. Suggestions are always welcome.
Please remember to come back to the Bookstore page on my site when you are doing online book shopping. In the long run, the more people who bookmark and then use that page, the larger the number of purchases that will be credited to the site. You can also promote it by linking to it from your site, or by linking to any other page or pages that interest you.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of this.
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